Dec 6 2024 at 23:09 UTC
🐞 Bug fixes
- implement preview features flag (#178)
- correct object array lengt allocation for java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray(Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object; (#177)
- correct minimum value handling for ineg and lneg instructions (#176)
- implement java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.getCurrentPid0()J (#175)
- correct exception handling by translating ranges to/from bytes/instructions (#172)
- implement numerous jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe get<type>() and put<type>() methods (#171)
- implement jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.objectFieldOffset0(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;)J (#170)
- correct java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0(Z)[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field; to work with latest Java versions (#169)
- add properties to jdk.internal.util.SystemProps$Raw.vmProperties()[Ljava/lang/String; (#168)
- correct line number offsets (#167)
- implement java.lang.String.intern()Ljava/lang/String; (#166)
- implement java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.VMSupportsCS8()Z (#165)
- implement java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(I)F (#164)
- implement java.lang.ClassLoader methods (#161)
- correct getCallerClass() to return null instead of void (#159)
📖 Documentation
- update documentation links to point to latest jvm version (#174)
📦 Build system
- update dependencies (#158)
🛠️ Other improvements
- improve todo docs (#163)
- refactor native methods into a module hierarchy (#162)
- add System.getSecurityManager() and System.setSecurityManager() implementations (#160)