Mar 4 2025 at 00:43 UTC
- implement jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool
- implement reflection constructors and methods
- add java.lang.Class reflection annotations for fields, constructors and methods
- implement java.io.Console encoding() and istty()
- add java.lang.Class reflection signatures for fields, constructors and methods
- implement sun.reflect.ConstantPool
- implement jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool
- implement java.lang.Class.getConstantPool()
- implement java.lang.Class getRawAnnotations()[B and getRawTypeAnnotations()[B
- correct jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe get_reference_type() byte array types
- update java.lang.Class.getSuperclass() to return null
- correct field and method annotation length encoding
- return stub boot ModuleLayer
- correct invokespecial to handle interface methods
- correct handling of null annotations
- correct class annotation modifier
- correct java.lang.Class.getModifiers() to return ENUM flag
- correct bugs in java.lang.Class.getSuperclass()
- update Cargo.toml dependencies
Feb 21 2025 at 01:52 UTC
- update to Rust 2024 edition
- add bool support to parameters
- add Java 24 support
- update java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.resolve() to support fields
- make class object singleton
- correct if_acmpeq and if_acmpne instructions when comparing class references
- remove unnecessary clone in values returned from frame
- add internal thread print_stack_trace() function for debugging
- update to getrandom=0.3.1
- refactor Class constructor functions to return Arc
- update dependencies
Jan 24 2025 at 22:46 UTC
- add Java 25 class file support
- correct StackFrame offset delta byte to instruction mapping
- correct exception byte to instruction offset conversion error
- remove unnecessary parameter cloning
- remove unnecessary clone from LocalVariables
- correct bug in java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0() where class constructors were incorrectly returned
- update Cargo.toml dependencies
- add enum documentation
- add vm benchmarks
- update VM to support LTS and latest Java versions only
- update java runtime versions
- move invokedynamic into separate module
Jan 20 2025 at 20:55 UTC
✨ Enhancements
- implement Value::TryInto and Reference::TryInto for class vec (#221)
- implement java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Z)[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method; (#218)
🐞 Bug fixes
- remove unnecessary clone() for Value::TryInto and Reference::TryInto (#224)
- correct java.lang.Class.getComponentType() (#222)
- correct invalid return value for java.lang.Class.initClassName()Ljava/lang/String; (#220)
- implement java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Z)[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor; (#215)
- implement java.lang.ref.Finalizer (#212)
- implement java.lang.Class.getDeclaredClasses0()[Ljava/lang/Class; (#211)
- implement java.lang.Class.getInterfaces0()[Ljava/lang/Class; (#210)
- implement sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.iovMax()I and sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.writeMax()J (#208)
- implement java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl (#207)
- correct null handling of caller argument in MethodHandleNatives.resolve() (#204)
- remove unnecessary use of Arc from LocalVariables (#200)
📦 Build system
- update bitflags, clap, thiserror and cargo dist (#209)
- update to Rust 1.84.0 (#206)
- bump reqwest from 0.12.11 to 0.12.12 (#205)
- upgrade cargo dist to 0.27.0 (#201)
🛠️ Other improvements
- rename Arguments struct to Parameters (#225)
- add sun.* native method tests (#223)
- verify native method definitions (#219)
- improve test coverage (#216)
- update dirs and convert-case (#217)
- limit method creation to require ClassFile references (#214)
- consolidate method construction (#213)
- encapsulate OperandStack to Frame and remove unnecessary uses of Arc/RwLock (#203)
- encapsulate LocalVariables to Frame and remove unnecessary uses of Arc/RwLock (#202)
- display JAVA_VERSION or default java version for the CLI --version option (#198)
Dec 13 2024 at 01:37 UTC
✨ Enhancements
- optimize java.lang.Math and java.lang.StrictMath methods with Rust implementations (#181)
🐞 Bug fixes
- implement java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.resolve(Ljava/lang/invoke/MemberName;Ljava/lang/Class;IZ)Ljava/lang/invoke/MemberName; (#194)
- implement jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.shouldBeInitialized0(Ljava/lang/Class;)Z (#193)
- implement deep clone for java.lang.Object.clone() (#192)
- implement java.lang.Class.isInstance(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z (#189)
- implement java.lang.Class.getDeclaringClass0() (#188)
- correct value returned from java.lang.Class.getName() (#187)
- update class loading to support package.ClassName format for VM, Thread and ClassLoader (#183)
- update java.lang.Class.getSimpleBinaryName0() to work with class objects (#186)
- update java.lang.Class.getDeclaringClass0() to return null instead of void (#184)
- update java.lang.Class.getEnclosingMethod0() to use the class file EnclosingMethod attribute per 4.7.7 (#185)
- correct exception handling class check (#182)
- implement java.lang.StrictMath (#180)
📦 Build system
- enable auditable, cyclonedx and github attestations (#197)
- upgrade to cargo dist 0.26.1 (#196)
- upgrade to cargo dist 0.26.0 and add new builds (#195)
- conditionally register macos native functions (#191)
- update serde and thiserror (#190)
- update x86_64-apple-darwin release to use macos-13 (#179)
Dec 6 2024 at 23:09 UTC
🐞 Bug fixes
- implement preview features flag (#178)
- correct object array lengt allocation for java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray(Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object; (#177)
- correct minimum value handling for ineg and lneg instructions (#176)
- implement java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.getCurrentPid0()J (#175)
- correct exception handling by translating ranges to/from bytes/instructions (#172)
- implement numerous jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe get<type>() and put<type>() methods (#171)
- implement jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.objectFieldOffset0(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;)J (#170)
- correct java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0(Z)[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field; to work with latest Java versions (#169)
- add properties to jdk.internal.util.SystemProps$Raw.vmProperties()[Ljava/lang/String; (#168)
- correct line number offsets (#167)
- implement java.lang.String.intern()Ljava/lang/String; (#166)
- implement java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.VMSupportsCS8()Z (#165)
- implement java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(I)F (#164)
- implement java.lang.ClassLoader methods (#161)
- correct getCallerClass() to return null instead of void (#159)
📖 Documentation
- update documentation links to point to latest jvm version (#174)
📦 Build system
- update dependencies (#158)
🛠️ Other improvements
- improve todo docs (#163)
- refactor native methods into a module hierarchy (#162)
- add System.getSecurityManager() and System.setSecurityManager() implementations (#160)
Nov 29 2024 at 18:55 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- create JavaError to convert Rust error to Java exceptions (#139)
- rename Value.to_object() -> Value.to_reference(). remove Value.try_to_object(). add Reference::TryInto<Object>, Value::TryInto<Object>, and Value::TryInto<Reference>. (#135)
✨ Enhancements
- add ClassPath.class_names() (#145)
- optimize class equality check (#140)
🐞 Bug fixes
- correct errors with Java 11 initialization (#154)
- correct Java 8 string handling to encode Rust strings as UTF-16 (#153)
- add Class.fields() and update Class.get_declared_fields_0() to use the class fields instead of the object fields (#152)
- correct field initialization (#151)
- correct FieldType.class_name() to handle object arrays and multi-arrays (#150)
- implement java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0() and sun.misc.Unsafe.* methods (#149)
- implement java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged() methods (#148)
- stub native methods (#147)
- update class names to support modules (#146)
- add java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.registerNatives()V and jdk.internal.misc.PreviewFeatures.isPreviewEnabled()Z (#144)
- correct Object.clone() to behave as a reference copy (#143)
- set String.hashIsZero to false when creating a new string in Java 17+ (#141)
- add java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray(Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object; (#137)
- add BaseType.class_name() and FieldType.class_name() (#136)
- rename Value.to_object() -> Value.to_reference(). remove Value.try_to_object(). add Reference::TryInto<Object>, Value::TryInto<Object>, and Value::TryInto<Reference>. (#135)
- correct checkcast/instanceof instructions for Object[] (#134)
- implement Java ArithmeticException for / by zero (#133)
- add java.lang.Class.getModifiers()I and jdk.internal.reflect.Reflection.getClassAccessFlags(Ljava/lang/Class;)I (#132)
🛠️ Other improvements
- update to Rust 1.83 (#155)
- rename Arguments.[pop|push]_object() -> Arguments.[pop|push]_reference() (#142)
- create JavaError to convert Rust error to Java exceptions (#139)
- order object field debug output (#138)
Nov 17 2024 at 16:51 UTC
🐞 Bug fixes
- add java.lang.Class.getComponentType()Ljava/lang/Class; for Java 8 (#130)
- enable legacy Java system property initialization (#128)
- initialize VM; call System.initPhase2() and System.initPhase3() (#127)
- add jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe put<primitive> methods (#126)
- add jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.copyMemory0(Ljava/lang/Object;JLjava/lang/Object;JJ)V (#125)
- add Class.componentType for array classes (#124)
- correct implementation of jdk.internalmisc.Unsafe for int and long (#123)
- add jdk.internal.misc.CDS.getCDSConfigStatus()I (#122)
- add java.lang.Class.forName0(Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Class; and java.security.AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext()Ljava/security/AccessControlContext; (#121)
- remove unnecessary thread creation for new objects (#119)
📦 Build system
- update dist to 0.25.1 (#131)
🛠️ Other improvements
- update method registry to conditionally register methods based on java version (#129)
- add primordial thread (#120)
Nov 13 2024 at 21:28 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- refactor VM.load_class() -> Thread.class() and VM.new_object() -> VM.object() (#116)
- implement TryInto for Value, Reference and Object (#105)
✨ Enhancements
- add string support to RustValue (#115)
- add VM.new_object() (#114)
- update class loader to support primitive classes (#109)
- add JavaObject trait (#106)
- implement TryInto for Value, Reference and Object (#105)
🐞 Bug fixes
- add Class.getDeclaringClass0()java/lang/Class, Class.getSigners()Ljava/lang/Object;, Class.isHidden()Z, Class.setSigners(Ljava/lang/Object;)V (#113)
- add Class.getClassAccessFlagsRaw0()I, Class.getClassFileVersion0()I and Class.getPermittedSubclasses0()[Ljava/lang/Class; (#112)
- add Class.isInterface()Z (#111)
- update Unsafe.compareAndSetReference() to support Objects (#110)
- implement jdk.internal.misc.VM.initializeFromArchive(Ljava/lang/Class;)V, jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.addressSize0()I, jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.isBigEndian0()Z, jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.unalignedAccess0()Z (#104)
- correct is_assignable_from, checkcast and instanceof array handling (#103)
- add awt native initIDs() methods (#101)
🛠️ Other improvements
- refactor invoke (#118)
- delegate VM.object() -> Thread.object() (#117)
- refactor VM.load_class() -> Thread.class() and VM.new_object() -> VM.object() (#116)
- improve object debug output (#108)
- update parent reference (#107)
- remove explicit use of box pin (#102)
Nov 1 2024 at 05:25 UTC
✨ Enhancements
- add environment variable support (#98)
🐞 Bug fixes
- pass command line arguments as a string array to main methods (#97)
- correct invokedynamic instruction debug logging (#96)
- create array class for anewarray instruction (#95)
- correct invokedynamic bytecode serialization (#93)
🛠️ Other improvements
- simplify native method implementations (#94)
- move additional logic into instruction functions (#92)
- refactor VM internals for threading support (#91)
Oct 21 2024 at 18:15 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- implement java.home system property (#80)
✨ Enhancements
- implement multianewarray instruction (#89)
- implement system properties (#82)
- implement athrow instruction (#78)
🐞 Bug fixes
- correct bug setting StackTraceElement.declaringClass (#90)
- update cli to print stack trace when a throwable is returned from the vm (#88)
- implement java.io.WinNTFileSystem.initIDs() (#87)
- implement sun.nio.fs.UnixNativeDispatcher (#86)
- implement java.io.UnixFileSystem.getBooleanAttributes0() (#85)
- correct handling of finally blocks (#84)
- implement jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries.findBuiltinLib() (#83)
- implement java.home system property (#80)
- correct invoke instruction error messages (#77)
- correct exception table handler_pc offsets to/from instructions/bytes (#75)
- remove unnecessary clone of method code (#71)
📦 Build system
- update to cargo-dist 0.23.0 (#81)
- update corretto versions (#79)
- update to Rust 1.82.0 (#73)
🛠️ Other improvements
- update corretto versions (#79)
- refactor default runtime version constant (#76)
- rename CodeException to ExceptionTableEntry to better align with JVM specification naming (#74)
- implement async Thread.sleep() and Thread.yield() (#72)
- rename RuntimeError to InternalError (#70)
Oct 15 2024 at 16:26 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- update vm to be async (#56)
- rename VM.class() to VM.load_class() and VM.load() to VM.class() (#68)
✨ Enhancements
- add stack size to frame debug logging (#65)
- enable wasm32 builds (#61)
- update vm to be async (#56)
- implement Reflection.getCallerClass() (#55)
- implement native method CDS.getRandomSeedForDumping()J (#48)
- add support for invoking interface method ref (#47)
🐞 Bug fixes
- stub implementation of java.lang.ref.Reflection.refersTo0() (#69)
- correct invokeinterface instruction class resolution (#67)
- increase windows stack size to 8MB (#66)
- implement Class.getSuperclass() and Class.isAssignableFrom() (#64)
- correct invokespecial instructions to only use methods from the class hierarchy (#63)
- implement java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace() (#62)
- implement java.lang.System.mapLibraryName() (#60)
- implement java.lang.System.identityHashCode() (#59)
- implement java.io.UnixFileSystem.initIDs() (#58)
- implement Class.is_array (#57)
- corrected bug where lushr instruction was using incorrect mask (#50)
- correct class interface loading and association (#49)
🛠️ Other improvements
- rename VM.class() to VM.load_class() and VM.load() to VM.class() (#68)
- update frame to have interior mutability (#54)
- update Frame to reference CallStack (#53)
- update CallStack to store reference to VM (#52)
- update call stack to have interior mutability of frames (#51)
Oct 11 2024 at 19:16 UTC
🐞 Bug fixes
- correct constant pool formatted string values (#45)
- correct bipush to support negative values; return void from CDS.initializeFromArchive() (#44)
🛠️ Other improvements
- remove unnecessary instanceof option check (#46)
Oct 10 2024 at 23:28 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- initial vm (#43)
- removed cycle between ClassLoader and Class (#34)
- improve class loader interface (#33)
✨ Enhancements
- initial vm (#43)
- update lookupswitch instruction to use an IndexMap (#35)
- improve class loader interface (#33)
- add reserved impdep1 and impdep2 instructions (#32)
🐞 Bug fixes
- removed cycle between ClassLoader and Class (#34)
Aug 22 2024 at 03:42 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- correct definition of goto_w and jsr_w definitions (#31)
- optimize jar class loader by deferring class file loading (#28)
✨ Enhancements
- add jar manifest (#30)
🐞 Bug fixes
- correct definition of goto_w and jsr_w definitions (#31)
📦 Build system
- enable dashmap inline feature (#29)
🛠️ Other improvements
- optimize jar class loader by deferring class file loading (#28)
- add class loader benchmarks (#27)
Aug 15 2024 at 19:14 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- remove Default trait from class loader (#23)
- change class loader function names (#22)
✨ Enhancements
- initial Java runtime library support (#24)
🐞 Bug fixes
- correct panics with invalid instructions (#25)
📖 Documentation
- add runtime class loader example (#26)
🛠️ Other improvements
- remove Default trait from class loader (#23)
- change class loader function names (#22)
Aug 9 2024 at 05:03 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- remove ClassFile.source_file() (#16)
✨ Enhancements
- initial classloader crate (#20)
- add java 24 version (#17)
📦 Build system
- fix code coverage reporting (#21)
- add wasm32 builds (#18)
🛠️ Other improvements
- remove ClassFile.source_file() (#16)
- add deserialization fuzz testing (#15)
Jul 27 2024 at 02:15 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- remove unknown version support (#14)
- correct mutf8 encoding panics discovered with fuzz tests (#12)
✨ Enhancements
- add ConstantPool try_get_ functions (#13)
🐞 Bug fixes
- correct mutf8 encoding panics discovered with fuzz tests (#12)
🛠️ Other improvements
- remove unknown version support (#14)
Jul 24 2024 at 03:07 UTC
💥 Breaking changes
- use instruction enum instead of bytes for code (#10)
✨ Enhancements
- use instruction enum instead of bytes for code (#10)
- improve class string format (#11)
- add read class example (#7)
🐞 Bug fixes
- correct tableswitch and lookupswitch serialization (#9)
Jul 18 2024 at 03:58 UTC
✨ Enhancements
- optimize constant pool access by utilizing a placeholder at index 0 (#6)
🐞 Bug fixes
- add future unknown Java version support (#5)
Jul 14 2024 at 21:02 UTC
✨ Enhancements
- add methods to the constant pool to simplify adding constants (#4)
- add as_code() function to class, method and field access flags (#2)
- improve Display output to include constant pool, code and line table (#1)
📖 Documentation
- add helloworld example (#3)
Jul 10 2024 at 18:11 UTC
Jul 9 2024 at 05:48 UTC
✨ Enhancements
- initial release